Tree Trimming Douglasville

Tree Trimming – More often than not, it is not necessary for an entire tree to be removed. Tree removal is our bread and butter at Tree Works Unlimited, and of all the tree companies in Douglasville, we are the best. But if a tree isn’t dead and isn’t presenting an immediate threat to your home or other valuables on the property, it may be overkill to have the entire thing removed. Trees can provide shade for your home to reduce utility costs for heating. They can also provide a place for your children or grandchildren to play. The point is, full tree removal may not be necessary, and you should consider tree trimming. It is a much cheaper route and can leave the tree intact.

As with all the services that Tree Works Unlimited offers, we will come to your home and give you a free estimate for the branches you would like to be trimmed. Whatever your reason for trimming them, whether they are hovering over your home, near power lines, or blocking your satellite signal, we will assess the situation and provide you with our best estimate for the work. Just keep in mind that the more precarious the situation, the higher the cost for trimming them will be.
For example, if the tree is hovering above your home or power lines, much more care must be taken to have those limbs trimmed. There are so many factors to consider when trimming branches and felling trees. No two branches fall the same way. All that is needed for there to be damage to your home or to have a power line knocked out is for one large branch to hit it. That is why you leave those kinds of jobs to the professionals. We will safely get a climber or a lift to an area where the limb can be anchored. Once the limb is secured, we will cut it and safely lower it to the ground. We cannot tell you how many times we have shown up to a home where the owner has already tried to cut the limbs themselves only to have it end up on a car or the roof resulting in a far more expensive job than had they just called Tree Works Unlimited to begin with.